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Online Coaching


Packages start at $55 per week

👉🏼 Become your hottest, strongest & most confident self without sacrificing a cheeky marg with the girls 

👉🏼 Drop your next 5-10kg & get the toned look you've always dreamed of whilst eating MORE FOOD than ever


👉🏼 Build an unf*ckwithble mindset & habits so that you can ditch the all or nothing approach & keep the weight off FOREVER


👉🏼 Feel in control around food & be able to open the pantry food without shovelling everything in sight

👉🏼 Be able to keep Tim Tams in the house & honour your cravings without going overboard to the point of sickness


👉🏼 Get excited by the thought of date night with your partner & order exactly what you feel like without worrying about losing all of your progress

work with me



- Customised program completely tailored to your needs + goals

- Customised nutrition + habits

- Weekly in-depth check ins

- Mon-Fri WhatsApp support

- Access to TWJ meal database with 100+ recipes
- Free nutrition resources

- TWJ community access


Everything included in base 

- Monthly check in call

via Zoom

- Monthly sample meal plan tailored to your needs


Everything included in base


- Weekly mindset/check in call

- Monthly sample meal plan tailored to your needs

- Free access to any group programs ran over the duration

Fortnightly billing

12 weeks minimum sign up + no lock in

contract after that


packages also available

If you are ready to finally show up in the way you've been promising yourself for years...

macro packages


Our most affordable coaching offer

Perfect if you have no idea where to start with calculating your calories + macros & wanting a once off option to get you started!


- Customised calories & macros based off your individual needs & goals

- Flexible dieting recipe book with 90+ meal options

- Example 'day on your plate'

- 30min video call to explain the plan & your options moving forward

- Free nutrition education resources
(nutrition cheat sheet + MFP guide)

$120 one off payment



'It’s been almost 2 years since I joined team TWJ and I feel like my journey has only just begun! Before starting with Jess, I thought I knew a fair bit about fitness and nutrition, but the wealth of knowledge that Jess has helped me unlock I will be forever grateful for. The mindset shift she has helped me achieve means I see and love myself in a whole new light compared to before. She has an amazing approach with her clients and is one of my biggest supporters. If you’re looking to take the leap into hiring an incredible online coach, or deep dive into the world of mindset work - I couldn’t recommend her any higher!'
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