You've tried deficits before but every time you see those numbers in MyFitnessPal you start to spiral and how you've going to fit all your food in those calories
You feel like nothing ever works for you because you can't stick to the calories like your 'supposed to' & you've just accepted you'll never see your dream toned body
Your ideal breakfast is a long black, followed by salad for lunch at 1pm, then spending every minute for the rest of the day thinking about food
As soon as you get home you’re scrambling through the pantry & before you know it you’ve accidentally smashed a muesli bar, packet of chippies and whole block of chocolate
You feel so embarrassed after you've done it that you've now hidden the evidence before your partner gets home and finds it (even though you know he won't get you in trouble)
You can’t drive past maccas without trying to convince yourself you need to be good to then end up in the drive thru minutes later with a Big Mac & frozen coke in hand
Now you’ve ruined the whole week so ‘f*ck it I may as well just start again Monday’ and order takeaway for the rest of the week

Keep a jar of biscoff in the cupboard without inhaling the whole thing knowing it's there
Get excited by the thought of date night with your partner & ordering exactly what you feel like instead of the boring ass salad because it’s ‘healthy’ or research the menu beforehand
Feel in control at Friday girl's night with a wine in hand around a cheese platter knowing you won't go overboard
Not have to estimate how many calories are in meals you haven’t personally cooked because you’re more focused on the memories you are making
Enjoy the zinger burger guilt-free knowing you have the tools to get back on track instead of starting every Monday 3kg heavier after writing the weekend off
No longer turn to food to make you feel better after a long & stressful day of work
Break up with MyFitnessPal & reach your fitness goals without relying on an app to tell you when & how much you're allowed to eat
End every night snuggled up on the couch with your fave choccy knowing you can fit it within your calories and still lose weight
6 transformative weeks together
Weekly video drops for each module
Mon-Fri WhatsApp access for direct support
Group chat to connect with other women in the space
+ lifetime access to recordings
Week 1: Getting clear on your food story & habits
F*cking off diet culture
Week 2: Fear foods & flexible dieting
Week 3: Hunger cues & mindful eating
Week 4: Breaking up with my fitness pal
Week 5: Emotional regulation & breaking the binge
Week 6: Body image & self love

This is the EXACT program I needed when I was in the thick of my binge eating & over-exercising eras! I went from obsessively tracking on povo calories, bingeing in secret in my bedroom & not being able to treat myself without having to work it off...
To being able to eat whatever tf I want without letting it ruin my day & feeling like my most confident self!
And now it’s YOUR TURN!